Beauty is it’s most truthful + radiant when we are relaxed, aligned and in harmony with our Self + Nature

Natalie J Durham


I am an Ayurvedic Practitioner (AP), Ayurvedic Health Counselor (AHC), Ayurvedic Bodywork/Beauty Work Specialist (ABS - Shirodhara, Shiro Abhyanga, Abhyanga, Kansa, Ayurvedic Cosmetology/Skincare), Licensed Esthetician (LE) who has also studied Gua Sha for face (Certification), Yoga (Iyengar, Anusara, Ashtanga - YTT 200), Pranayama, Western Herbalism (Certification - Intuitive Plant Medicine, CBD, Vaginal Steaming Practices), Natural and Adaptogenic Nutrition, Flower Essence and Gem Therapies, Holistic Crystal Healing (Certification), Essential Oils, Esoteric Eastern Philosophy and Spirituality, Meditation/Mindfulness, Sacred Space, Creative Writing, Design/Jewelry Craft and Fiber Arts, I hold a BA Liberal Arts.

Consideration for the balance of body, mind, emotions and spirit is at the heart of each of my offerings. My work is truly holistic in scope.

In deep Gratitude for a few of my many Teachers: Yogiramsuratkumar, Lee Lozowick, Dr. Vasant Lad, Dr. Scott Roos, Karen Chabot and Dr. Manisha Kshirsagar.

In deep Gratitude for the Loves of my life - my family: Tashi and Andrew


I am passionate about bringing an experience of relaxation, glow and authenticity to our daily lives.

And as I mature I become even more aware of how important it is to remember to intentionally relax, to engage daily gratitude and honor the privilege it is to still be here. Popular culture will do everything in it’s power to convince us that beauty comes in a bottle and we are lacking, but beauty cannot be bought and we are whole. True beauty comes from a combination of intention and attention, commitment to Self, consuming and applying substances rich in life force, connection with nature, proper digestion on every level + an uncompromising understanding that we do not become irrelevant after we turn a certain age, fulfill a certain role or see the deeper lines forming around our lips and eyes.

My wellness journey has taught me that we must treat ourselves with loving kindness to continue to harvest the bounty of beauty, health and longevity. There is a perfect state of balance for each of us that is attainable, sustainable and rich in resources.

Here’s to self love! The active, engaged, hands on, juicy kind *with lots of flowers, butters, balms, oils, herbs, touch and tools thrown in.

A little more about me


You are your own true healer. I am honored to guide you to help unlock the knowledge that is your birthright and we all must do our own good work. I consider us equals on the path of self discovery, love and beauty. Let’s walk together.


The earth is our mother. She provides for us in every way. My experience is that eating her nourishment, using her medicine, walking barefoot on her grass, looking up into the sky that hugs her, brings me home to myself.

 a few of my online + in person offerings