Contact R A N I

Looking to schedule an Ayurvedic facial or Neo Lifting/Sculpting facial near Portland ME, find out more about my holistic wellness/skincare offerings/workshops in general or simply say hi . . . this is the best place to reach me. I will do my best to get back to you within two business days.



  • 928-830-1999




01 | What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is the 5000 + year old medical science and art originating in India. It is considered a “sister science” to the path of Yoga and works primarily with wellness on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. It is centers around Dosha (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) theory, Gunas (Qualities), Ojas (natural immunity) Prana (life force), Agni (digestive fire), the rhythms of nature and our connection/interconnection with the natural world.

02 | Where Can I Purchase Kansa Facial Tools?

Through my online shop or through Kansa Organics:

Kansa Facial Wand

Kansa Gua Sha

03 | What distinguishes an Ayurvedic Facial from any other?

An Ayurvedic facial will focus on the use of high quality oil and skin food for cleansing, nourishing and balancing the skin “biome”. It will also utilize facial massage techniques/tools while attending to the current Doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) and qualities presenting in the skin. It will also align the energetic body through the use of Marma (energy points located throughout the body) therapy.

 04 | If I decide to explore Ayurveda further will I have to change my diet and lifestyle?

In the West we tend to be disconnected from the rhythms of nature. When we begin to explore our daily lifestyle choices through the lens of Yoga and Ayurveda we usually want to change our daily lifestyle habits. We want to reconnect with nature. This change comes with a sense of inspiration and relief. Our relationship to the food that we eat isn’t always simple. In the West we tend to eat for reasons other than hunger. When we begin to look at our diet through the lens of Ayurveda (and our unique Doshic constitution) we usually want to change our eating habits. This change comes with a sense of inspiration and relief. Ayurveda does not promote toxic dieting culture. In my practice I pay close attention to ancestral/traditional/local food biomes when making recommendations and creating protocols.

05 | Can I see you in person?

Yes - absolutely! I offer Ayurvedic Facials at ABURA in Portland Maine.